We've been working hard to make ALTAIR better for you. See below for just some of the new visual enhancements available in ALTAIR Software Suite.
ALTAIR Workspace:
Improvements to the toolbars and docking windows, like the Hardware Explorer, Hardware Status, and the Display Properties.
Control the Z-axis of ALTAIR Displays using Bring to Front, Send to Back, Move Forward, and Move Back.
Draw a rectangle in the ALTAIR Workspace around Decom Parameter Displays.
Optional grouping feature to move Decom Parameter Displays as one unit.
Grouping also applies to the hardware status displays like Bit Sync Eye Diagram, Frame Dump, Frame Sync Statistics, and the Receiver Waveform.
Hardware Data Displays:
Save screen space by hiding controls for hardware status displays like the Bit Sync Eye Diagram and the Receiver Waveform.
IRIG Time Display:
The color of the Time Display font changes based on the IRIG Time Status. The text is green when IRIG Time is locked and red when not locked. Easy to glance from across the room and see what you need.
ALTAIR’s TCP Command and Control API:
Control the Ulyssix Cards via TCP commands via terminal, Python scripts, or custom software.
Software Development Kit (SDK) available.
Data Export:
Improved export of decommutated data to CSV files and MATLAB M files.
New “FrameCSV” exports the time tagged minor frames broken into words defined in the Variable Bits per Word table. This export type does not require the definition of decom parameters.
Asynchronous Embedded:
Improved support for multi-level Asynchronous Embedded
Customizable conditions to unlock the Asynchronous Embedded Frame Sync.
Store Asynchronous Embedded frames to their own frame synchronized binary file (TAD).
Export the decommutated Asynchronous Embedded streams to CSV files or Matlab .MAT Files.
Performance improvements in decommutation of Random and Random Normal commutated parameters including support of thousands of locations per minor frame.